US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chairman Senate Appropriations

Former US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman Banking & Urban Affairs Committee
San Antonio,Texas 78205

US Congressman Tony Coelho

House Majority Whip
Modesto, CA 95354
Exhibit C Submitted As Evidence And
Testimony To Congress-Exclusive Jurisdiction
You are looking at part of Exhibit C a United States source document submitted as Evidence and Testimony to the several committees of the United States Congress since 1986. The survey data is occassionally used for creation of federal statutes; considering possible improvements in operation of federal programs; and study of operational field impediments. Because of the Separation of Powers found in US Constitution and various Rules of Congress it not possible to serve summons, subponeas; or other court process on Capitol Hill and persons attempting to can be detained and arrested by Capitol Police or otherwise sanctioned. Obviously the only legal reviews which can occur would require permission of the Chairman of a Congressional Committee reviewing the matters at public hearings

It seems that many Chairman of Congress believe in the concept of work ethic and if they find you on Capitol Hill or too close to something they are working on will actually have someone volunteered or simply drafted. I-5 Cooridor Agreement origionally on covered portions of California, Oregon, and Washington but was rapidly expanded by the national leadership to include a third of the United States. Congressman Henry B Gonzalez caught me on Capitol Hill about 1988 circulating one of my publications and had me introduced to the HUD Inspector General.. This assignment lasted until about 1993 when the Clinton Administration came into power and replaced me with 2 convicted persons who according to press reports were paid $80,000 a year plus expenses..

US Government Depository

This Link To Citations
By Library Of Congress
& Statutes Passed Into Law

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548

President Bill Clinton

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

President George Bush Jr

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

President Barrack Obama

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Table Of Contents Index Page 16
USA Freedom Act of 2016
1. Section 1 So Let It Be Written And Let It Be Done-Freedom of Speech Leads To Passage of US Freedom Act of 2015


3. Section 3 Government Officials Admit Overstep in Testimony Before Congress

4. Section 4 Bush Administration Abuses Leads To Creation of AntiSpyware Act of 2005

5. Section 5 Bush Administration Begins Abuse of Law Enforcement, Intelligence & Network Resources

6. Section 6 Abuse of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Assets & Call for Reform of US Patriot Act Resources

7. Section 7 Commendation for Passage of USA Freedom Act

8. Section 8 Certificate of Service On US Congress

Russian President Valdimir Putin

Russian Federation

President Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC
President Vladmir Putin Outs Microsoft
President Tump Expresses Concern Vetting Foreign Nationals
Link Russian President Vladmir Putin begins elimination of Microsoft from Russian government operations after accusations of spying by Microsoft. There are substantial concerns that a lot of computer hacking occurs from foreign nationals who have not been vetted to do sensitive work.

US Senator Sam Erwin

Democrat From North Carolina
WaterGate Hearing
Photo From Allen Green Blog
Washington, D.C. 20510
US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldeman
Erlichman; Dean Blessed With 200 Years in Federal Prison
1. Violation of Counsels papers was used to prosecute US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldemann, Erlichman, and Dean and 40 some off other federal employees who were blessed with collective 200 years in federal prison by USDC Judge Maxmimum John Sirrica The breakin at the Watergate Hotel was the beginning of the end for renagade law enforcement activities whose neutering was supervised by US Senator Frank Church Chairman of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, (D)Idaho

2. Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit B
File Index 16 H
Computer Hacking In Lynchburg, VA
1. Exhibit A 2 Men Impersonating US Marshal 2013 Serial Stalking & Theft of US Mail 10/15/2014

2. Exhibit B Interception or Delay of US Mail Lynchburg, VA 2014

3. Exhibit C Question of College Children Computer Hacking In Lynchburrg, VA 10-2014

4. Exhibit D Electronic Stalking At Lynchburg,VA At McDonalds Restaurant Library

5. Exhibit E Electronic Stalking At Lynchburg,VA Lynchburg Hospital October16-19-2014

6. Exhibit F Electronic Stalking At Lynchburg,VA McDonalds Restaurant and Lynchburg Public Library

7. Appendix I Electronic Warfare Sequence? Malbytes Takes Out Malware 9-2-2014 -11-2014

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
Radical Muslims In Telecommunications Networks
Computer Hacking AlQueda Base Ops NC
1. This Link Islamic Radicals simply hired on to work for major US telecommunications companies and engaged in quite a variety of interesting activities. In decades past person engaged in this type of work required bonifides and FBI clearances.

2. North Carolina and thisLink 2 Link 3 Base Operations Terrorist Organizations

3. Electronic WarFare Attacks 2016 Boise, ID

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
File Index 16 H3
Computer Hacking Montana, Utah
1. Exhibit Page Legitimate Military Target UN Security Council Limited Electronic Warfare Attack On Website In United Kingdom

2. Exhibit B Electronic Hacking At Missoula Library Legitimate Military Target UN Security Council September 11th 2013

3. Exhibit C Electronic Hacking At Missoula Library Legitimate Military Target UN Security Council September 23, 2013

Exhibit D Electronic Hacking At Missoula Library Legitimate Target UN Security Council September 28th 2013

5. Exhibit E Electronic Hacking At Missoula Library Legitimate Military Target UN Security Council October 3rd,2013

6. Exhibit F Electronic Hacking At Missoula Library Imposition of Sanction Protocols October 9th,2013

7. Exhibit G Vocational Training Program Retired Recommend Supercedes To USDOD

8. Exhibit H Electronic Hacking At Missoula, MT Imposition of Sanction Protocols 4/10/2014

9. Exhibit I Electronic hacking Utah and Idaho Falls, ID 2016-2017

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
File Index 16 H1
Computer Hacking In Washington State
1. Exhibit A Electronic Warfare Attack On Computer and Email Accounts 8/30/2014

2. Exhibit B Computer Hacking Event Eastern Washington University Possible Malware Affect Website Cost Repair $240.00 November 2013

3. Exhibit C National Blacklist Do Not Hire Faculty or Graduate Students Severe Security Threats

4 Exhibit D Terrorist Attack On Strategic Asset On Website UK UN Security Council Legitimate Military Target-Spokane, WA December 2012-Janurary, 2013

5. Exhibit E The Friendly Terrorist At University of Washington? & Associated Terrorist Activities In Washington State

6. Exhibit A National Blacklist Do Not Hire Faculty or Graduate Students Severe Security Threats

7. Exhibit B Computer Hacking Event Eastern Washington University Possible Malware Affect Website Cost Repair $240.00 November 2013
1. Exhibit C Terrorist Attack On Strategic Asset On Website UK UN Security Council Legitimate Military Target-Spokane, WA December 2012-Janurary, 2013

2. Exhibit #D Stalking & Computer Hacking Eliminates Email Accounts,, Missoula Montana
3. Exhibits E Computer Hacking Reports December, 2012 Spokane, WA

4. Exhibits F Computer Hacking & Direct Terrorist Threat On Spokane Community College Campus

5. Appendix A: University of Montana Serial Rapes Under Investigation By US Department of Justice-Possible Environment Favorable To Stalking

6. Appendix B Gonzaga University & Catholic Diocese Pay Millions for Sexual Assaults... Might Be Related to Stalking Mentality?

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
File Index 16 H6
Oregon KKK
1. Exhibit A Electronic Warfare Attacks Filed US District Court

2. Exhibit B Terrorist Attack On Website UK UN Security Council Legitimate Military Target-Medford, Oregon Janurary, 2013

3. Exhibit C Computer Hacking Medford, Oregon October 2015- June 2016

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
File Index Idaho
Computer Hacking Boise State University
1. Boise State University Blacklist Students-extreme threat

2. Electronic WarFare Attacks 2016 Boise, ID

Press On Image to Enlarge

Link Exhibit
File Index 16 H2 Computer Hacking
In Texas, Nevada Arizona, California
1. Exhibit A Santa Maria, CA 2016, Nevada 2017

2. Exhibit B Exhibit A Electronic Warfare Sequence? Malware Takes Out Norton Security 3-1-2015

3. Exhibits #C Exhibit B Microsoft Makes Unathorizes Changes 3/19/2015 Computer Windows Collapses Has 5 Hour Reinstall

4. Exhibit #DExhibit C Electronic Warfare Attacks 2013/2015 Tucson, Arizona

5. Exhibit #EAppendix D Complaint Filed International Prosecutor Asst Genocide Computer Hacking to Obstruct Presentation of Evidence
6. Exhibit F Exhibit #E Webites Hacked August 2001

7. Exhibit G Exhibit #F Letter To US Magistrate-Concerns Over Islamic Terrorist 1996

8. Exhibit HForeign Intelligence Personnel Run Off UIW Campus

9. Exhibit I-Minor Electronic Attachs At San Antonio, TX

10. ExhibitJ-Exhibit #I Iraqis Appreciation Day At Cal Poly

USA Liberty Act

Sponsor Congressman Bob Goodlatte
House Committee on Judiciary
Washington, DC 20515
Congressman Bob Goodlatte
Proposes USA Liberty Act of 2017

US Senator Ted Cruz

US Senator Wicker
Who The Hell Elected You
US Senate Takes On Big Tech The Free Ride Is Over
The US Senate responding to massive abuse of free speech based largely on censorship of conservative points of few

Section 4 Government Officials Admit Overstep in Testimony Before Congress

US Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

General Michael Haden

Director of NSA
Story of NSA & 911

The Shadow Factory

Author James Bamford
Story of NSA & 911

Justice Department Reigns Criminal &
Terrorist Activities Involving US Patriot Act

Press Release-AP AP WASHINGTON-The Justice Department has reined in electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency after finding the agency had improperly accessed American phone calls and e-mails.

The problems were discovered during a review of the intelligence activities, the Justice Department said in a statement Wednesday night. The New York Times, which first reported the matter on its Web site, said the NSA had been improperly intercepting communications by Americans. In its statement, the Justice Department said it has taken "comprehensive steps to correct the situation and bring the program into compliance." The Justice Department did not elaborate on what problems it found. Once corrective measures were taken, Attorney General Eric Holder sought authorization for renewing the surveillance program, officials said. Government officials have also briefed lawmakers on the issue.

Domestic eavesdropping has been a contentious issue since 2005, when the Times revealed that for years following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the NSA intercepted international phone conversations and e-mails involving U.S. citizens without a warrant. That program ended in 2007, and the following year Congress passed legislation requiring the NSA to get court approval to monitor the purely domestic communications of Americans who came under suspicion.

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Congressman John Conyers Jr.

US House Committee On Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Director of The FBI

Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
FBI admits cheating on tests
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review / 28th Jul 2010
McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON "An undisclosed number of FBI agents have cheated on tests on how to legally conduct domestic surveillance cases", FBI Director Robert Mueller acknowledged Wednesday, but he added that he is waiting for the results of an inspector general's investigation to determine how widespread the cheating has become.

"I've got a general idea. But I do not know how many" have cheated, he said in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. "And I'm not sure the IG knows how many either." But, Mueller added, the IG "has pointed out instances orally to me where there may be persons and a particular office where it was widespread. And it may be attributable to a lack of understanding and confusion about the procedures."

The FBI head was asked about the controversy by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., who heads the committee. Leahy he said he knew that some agents had been caught cheating on the tests, in which they were supposed to show they understood the limitations in conducting domestic surveillance and beginning cases without first having evidence of a crime. The test is mandatory, and it is put on by the bureau's Domestic Investigation and Operations Guidelines section.

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Congressman John Conyers Jr.

US House Committee On Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Director of The FBI

Robert Mueller
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

FBI admits cheating on tests
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review / 28th Jul 2010

"We learned last year that a small number of agents were accused of cheating on the test. That's what I was told," Leahy said to Mueller. "I was amazed when I went online this morning to find from press accounts that the cheating was reportedly more widespread." Mueller strongly defended the bureau and said his agents are instructed not to purposely target Muslim-Americans and other religious and ethnic groups for investigations. "That is at the heart of these guidelines. And that is what we teach each of our personnel," he said.

He said the guidelines require agents to undertake more than 16 hours of training, followed by an open-book test. He said that a year ago, problems surfaced because some agents were taking it with the help of other agents. At that point, he said, the FBI's IG office began to investigate. Since then, he said, the IG "has indicated that there are additional personnel that did not abide by those procedures."

"We are expecting a letter from the IG pointing out other occasions, where there were abuses and the procedures were not followed, with recommendations. And we will follow those recommendations." Mueller added that "it is quite obviously my concern that all of our personnel understand the parameters in which we are to work." He pledged that eventually all the agents will understand "the limitations of what we can do."

Section 5 Bush Administration Abuses Leads To Creation of AntiSpyware Act of 2005

President George Bush Jr

Pleads Guilty

National Security Agency

Public and Media Affairs

Appeals Courts Declare Survillence
Program Stellar Wind Illegal
ABC News By Jennifer Loven Washington Dec 17, 2005 President George Bush acknowledge he authorized the National Security Agency to engage in extensive survillence and covert activities against American citizens outside of the bounds of the law.

FISA Court

Declares Survillence Illegal

US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman of Agriculture
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax
Exhibit #1 House Approves Spyware Law
Tue May 24, 1:20 AM ET
U.S. House votes to outlaw computer spyware By Andy Sullivan Tue May 24, 1:20 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday voted to establish new penalties for purveyors of Internet "spyware" that disables users' computers and secretly monitors their activities.

By overwhelming majorities, the House passed two bills that stiffen jail sentences and establish multimillion-dollar fines for those who use secret surveillance programs to steal credit-card numbers, sell software or commit other crimes. Spyware has emerged as a major headache for computer users over the last several years. It can sap computing power, crash machines and bury users under a blizzard of unwanted ads. Scam artists use spyware to capture passwords, account numbers and other sensitive data. Spyware can end up on users' computers through a virus or when they download games or other free programs off the Internet.

"Consumers have a right to know and have a right to decide who has access to their highly personal information that spyware can collect," said California Republican Rep. Mary Bono (news, bio, voting record), who sponsored one of the bills. The bills prohibit a number of practices often associated with spyware, such as reprograming the start page on a user's Web browser, logging keystrokes to capture passwords and other sensitive data, or launching pop-up ads that can't be closed without shutting down the computer. The practice known as "phishing" -- in which scam artists pose as banks or other businesses in an attempt to trick consumers into divulging account information -- would also be outlawed.

The House voted 395 to 1 to impose jail sentences of up to 2 years. Violators could face fines up to $3 million per incident. Those who use spyware to commit other crimes, such as identity theft, could have an additional 5 years tacked on to their sentences. Both bills passed the House last year but the Senate adjourned before taking action. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate this year. Most spyware practices are already illegal under deceptive-business laws but federal and state law enforcers have only sued two spyware purveyors so far, one expert said. "We know that there are literally hundreds of these cases out there. Unless there's a push for enforcement, passing a new law is really only going to help after the fact," said Ari Schwartz, associate director at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a consumer-advocacy group. The bill gives the Justice Department an additional $10 million per year through 2009 to fight spyware.

US Congressman Bob Goodlatte

Chairman of Agriculture
2240 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5431
(202) 225-9681 fax
Anti Spyware Act Table of Contents
1. Introduction Citation: Bush Administration Policy-"Enemy of State" Court Awards $1 Million Damages For Violation of Civil Rights

2. Introduction Citation:Justice Department Reigns Criminal & Terrorist Activities Involving US Patriot Act

3. Exhibit #1 House Approves Spyware Law Tue May 24, 1:20 AM ET

4. Certificate of Service Creation Anti-Spyware Act 2005

5. Exhibit #2 Citation of Authority US District Judge Vaughn Walker Court Awards $1 Million Damages For Violation of Civil Rights

6. Exhibit #3 Evolution & Use of Spyware

7. Exhibit #4 Has Your Family Been Molested Under Color of Patriot Act? link Link

8. Exhibit #5 Question Constitutionality of US Patriot Act Abuse of National Security Assets

9. Exhibit #6 National Security Used For What?

10. Exhibit #7 Payback From Oregon KKK? March, 2009

11. Exhibit #8 Wanna Spy On the US Enroll In Student Loan Program

12. Exhibit #9 Obstruction of Congressional & Diplomatic Communications

13. Exhibit #10 US Senator Larry Craig Said No You Will Be Punished!

14. Exhibit #11 Computer Hacking Associated With Network Administrative Tools

15. Exhibit #12 Question of Foreign Terrorist Groups

16. National Policy Question Obama Administration Continues Bush Administratiion Program

17. Exhibit #13 Eliminating the Competition The FEMA Story

18. Exhibit #14 The Friendly Terrorist?

19. Exhibit #15 USDC Questions Constitutionality of US Patriot Act

20. Amicus Curiae Brief Constitutionality of Patriot Act

21. Exhibit #16 Vocational Training Program Retired Recommend Supercedes To USDOD

22. Certificate of Service On US Congress

Section 6 Bush Administration Begins Abuse of Law Enforcement, Intelligence & Network Resources

Former US Attorney General

Alberto Gonzalez
US Department of Justice

Former Bush Advisor Carl Rove

"King Carl"
White House
Obstruction of Congressional
& Diplomatic Communications
These incidents concern apparent political attacks directed at the US Congress Congressional and United Nations communications as suggested by this link

Dr. Mazen al Najjar

Master Degree AT&T University

Sami al-Arin

On February 20, 2003, USF professor Dr. Sami Al-Arian was indicted on a terrorism-related charge

Islamic Jihad

Combat Operations Against Israel

Khalid Mohammed

911 Master Mind
Computer Instructur
AT& T Univesity
NC AT& T College
AlQueda Base Ops in US
"Holy Wars on Homefront" by Harvey Kushner an expert on terrorism and sometime government consultant review the extensive resume of an Islamic terrorist organization which has lived peacefully since the 1980's in Greensboro North Carolina. Leaders of this organization successfully plot 911; engage in combat operations in Israel, ... and peacfully coexist in an area dominated by the conservative Christian Church for almost 25 years.

Their base of operations at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is less than 3 miles from the office of the Congressman Howard Coble Chairman of the House Committee on Terrorism is quite a mystery. While US Goverment Officials do occassionally investigate and prosecute members of this organization such as Khalid Mohammed; Sam al-Arin; Mazen al Najjar these folks are as heavily embedded in the State University System; charities; and are government.

North Carolina Bureau of Investigations
North Carolina Emergency Management
310 New Bern Ave
Raleigh, NC 27601
Exhibit #5 Question Constitutionality
of US Patriot Act Abuse of
National Security Assets
This Link Cites The Department of Homeland Security created and uses fusion centers which were designed to coordinate legitimate law enforcement and intelligence activities. This Link asks if some of the email accounts could have been tampered with using spyware many if not most of the hacking occurs in and around public libraries and other government buildings and public resources with public access

Anna Mills S. Wagoner, USA*

P.O. Box 1858
Greensboro, NC 27402

North Carolina Bureau of Investigations

Former Director Robin Pendergraft
Post Office Box 29500
Raleigh, NC 27626
Has Your Family
Been Molested Under Color of Patriot Act?
This link; This Link review the widespread abuse of library patrons by gay librarians hacking their webservices using the US Patriot Act Intelligence Assets.

Blowjob John

Former US Attorney General
Exhibit #6 National Security Used For What?
Former US Attorney General John Ashcroft spent lots of time molesting women's hairstyling publications as suggested by this link and earned the title Blow Job John for having an unnatural interest in women's fashions.

Joe M. Allbaugh,Former Director Of FEMA

"Master of Disaster"(retired)
The Allbaugh Company
400 North Capitol Street NW Suite 475
Washington, DC 20001
Eliminating the Competition
The FEMA Story
This link concerns threats involving FEMA and it's programs. While most people are probally aware that positions and opporunities in the Federal Emergency Management Agency are part of the political patronage system where lucurative employment and contracts are awarded to friends of those in power. We also have an extensive review of terrorist activities and threats made against persons working in emergency management who apparently happened to get in the way of "vested interest". These type of activities are typical of both political parties.

The Honorable District Judge Vaughn Walker

USDC of Northern California
San Francisco Courthouse, Courtroom 6 - 17th Floor
450 Golden Gate Avenue,
San Francisco, CA 94102
US District Judge Vaughn Walker
Court Awards $1 Million Damages For Violation of Civil Rights
In 2010 US District Court Judge Vaughn Walker declared the Bush Administration policy illegal and awarded $1 Million for violation of their civil rights of an Islamic Charity

Section 7 Abuse of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Assets
& Call for Reform of US Patriot Act Resources

President Obama

Washington, D.C. 20528

Former NSA Contractor

Secrets Leaker
Edward Snowden

US Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Obama Administration Continues Bush Administratiion Program
Special Panel Questions Legality of Programs
In 2013 it became public knowledge that the Obama Administration has continued to use the programs authorized by the Bush Administration to spy on millions of Americans and others with no apparent legal authority. This activity undermines the positions past statements that it has accountable and transparent policies in government

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Wahsington, D.C. 20510

US Congressman James Sensebrenner

House Committee On Judiciary
120 Bishops Way, Room 154
Brookfield, WI 53005-6294
(262) 784-1111
Fax: (262) 784-9437
US Senator Leahy Sponsors Reform Bill
To Limit Warrantless Searches

Press On Image To Enlarge

US Senator Patrick Leahy

US Senator Sam Erwin

Democrat From North Carolina
Photo From Allen Green Blog
Washington, D.C. 20510

40 Government Employees Did
A Combined 200 Years In Federal Prison

Title 18 Sec 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Section 8 Commendation for Passage of USA Freedom Act

US Senator Patrick Leahy

Chairman Senate Committee On Juriciary
433 Russell SOB
US Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Addressed To British Ambassador

Washington, D.C. 20510

US Congressman James Senbrenner Jr
Vice Chairman House Committee On Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20515
Proposal For USA Freedom Act
HR 3361 Limit Spying On Private Citizens
Patrick, Sherman (Leahy)
to: CA Walters
date: Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 2:41 PM
subject: Automatic reply: Commendation for Excellence In Public Service To US Senator Patrick Leahy

I will be out of the office beginning on June 29 and will return to the office on the morning of July 6. I will be checking email during that time, but for immediate assistance, please call (202) 224-4242.

Section 9 The Political Patronage System & Lobbyist

President Elect Donald Trump

White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC

US Senator Jon Tester

311 Hart SOB
Washington, DC 20510-2604

Congressman Greg Gianforte

222 North 32nd St Suite 900
Billings, MT 59101
Officials Admit They Cannot Govern
Properly Due To Political Patronage System
President Donald Trump's Executive ORDER to "clean the swamp at K Street" and US Senator Jon Tester express concerns about the United States inability to exercise it's sovereign rights due to lobbyist,Special Interest, and political actions groups The Kearing 5 Scandal is a prime example where many banks had to be recapitalized for $1.4 Trillion Dollars after 5 US Senators obstructed Federal Bank Examiners

US Senator Ron Wyden
Portland, Oregon

US Senator Jon Tester D MT

311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-2604
US Senator Ron Wyden Proposal
For Sunshine In Government Act

Former US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

US Supreme Court
Washington, DC
Justice Stevens Questions Citizens United Ruling
Political Patronage System and Government for Sale
This Link May 31, 2012 Associated Press: Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Wednesday night he expects that the court has already had second thoughts about parts of its controversial Citizens United ruling that eased restrictions on corporate spending in political campaigns. The sharply divided court ruled that independent spending by corporations does "not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption." Stevens, who dissented from that 2010 decision, said that at some point the court will have to issue an opinion "explicitly crafting an exception that will create a crack in the foundation" of that ruling.

Speaking to hundreds of people at an event in Little Rock, the retired justice said President Barack Obama accurately criticized the ruling for reversing a century of law and allowing special interest groups to pump money into elections. He cited Justice Samuel Alito's reaction to Obama's criticism, along with one of the court's later rulings when the justices rejected a free-speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups to a law that bars support to terrorist organizations. He also pointed to televised debates when moderators try to allow candidates equal time to express their views. He said candidates and viewers wouldn't like it if there were an auction giving the most time to the highest bidder. "Yet that is essentially what happens during actual campaigns in which rules equalizing campaign expenditures are forbidden," he said. ...

Press On Image to Enlarge

Former US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens
US Supreme Court
Washington, DC
Big Tech Donations To Congress
Who Get How Much

Press On Image to Enlarge

IT Industry Pays
IT Companies Donations To Congress
Who Get How Much

Press On Image to Enlarge

Congressman Greg Gianforte
222 North 32nd Street Suite 900
Billings, MT 59101
Montana Congressman Proposes
Term Limits for Members of Congress 2018

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Justice Dept VS Google
Monopoly Suit
US Department Of Justice
Sues Google For Monopoly

Press On Image to Enlarge

Justice Dept VS Google
Monopoly Suit

Section 10 Certificate of Service On US Congress

President George Bush Jr

Pleads Guilty

National Security Agency

Public and Media Affairs

President Bush Acknowledges Abusing NSA &
Leads To Creatation Spyware H.R. 4661 Exhibit #7
ABC News By Jennifer Loven Washington Dec 17, 2005 President George Bush acknowledge he authorized the National Security Agency to engage in extensive survillence and covert activities against American citizens outside of the bounds of the law.

Chairman Porter Goss

US House Permanent Select
Committe on Intelligence
H-405 U.S. Capitol Building,
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4121

US Senator Ron Wyden
Portland, Oregon
US Senator Ron Wyden Proposal
For Sunshine In Government Act
Notice of Retirement Congress 2016
Field Investigator Return Commissions;Boise Idaho

Good Morning Chairman Trey Gowdy:
House Committee on Oversight
2157 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington,DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5074
Fax: (202) 225-3974

My name is Chris Walters and I retired from 30 some odd years of probono field audits and surveys of federal programs as you can see:

I understand your committee and Congressman Bob Goodlatte expressed an interest in abuse of FISA assets as USDOJ on March 18th, 2018

During my tenure of service we documented hundreds of instances of abuse of law enforcement and intellingence assets primary during Obama Administration which can be viewed online

Electronic Warfare Attacks in Montana 2017:

It is believed the Obama Administration may have been engaged in abuse of FISA assets to abuse it's political enemies and use meta data for blackmail and extortion:

If I can be ov any services to your Committee of Congressman Bob Goodlatte, please contact me. I am temporarily at

Chris Walters
c/o Gods Love
533 N Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 442-7000

PS I am disabled; live on disability and may have problems traveling

Support Data on Abuse of FISA Assets online:,,,,,,,,,,

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House Oversight Committee 2018
EU $1.7 Billion Sanction
On Google

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House Oversight Committee
March 2018

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House Oversight Committee 2018
Google CEO Testifies
On Computer Filtering to Deny Client Speech

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

Former President Barrack Obama

The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Secretary Jeff Johnson

US Depart of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528
Freedom of Speech-So Let It Be Written And Let It Be Done
Leads To Passage of US Freedom Act of 2015
In 2015; US Senator Patrick Leahy the Dean of the US Senate and Congressman James Sensebrenner of House Committee on Judiciary cosponsored the USA Freedom Act of 2015. The US Congress passed the USA Freedom Act to curb abuses of US Patriot Act based on idea that most citizens didn't need the permission of government to speak; communicate or forfeit their rights to privacy without due process of law. The widespread abuses included the CIA breaking into computers of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; gathering of metadata from all sources which is only useful for blackmail and extortion; and sustained electronic warfare attacks against United Kingdom a sovereign country where the internet service provider is located.

The United Kingdom is not subject to the laws of the United States and persons, groups, and organizations facilitating terrorist or electronic warfare attacks are legitimate military targets. The materials on this website are submitted as "Evidence and Testimony" before the US Congressional Committees and no members of the Courts or Executive Branch of Government can server legal process on Capitol HIll . Provisons of US Patriot Act for warrantless searches was declared unconstitutional in USDC,DC by Judge Richard Leon in Klayman v Obama As the Obama Administration continues to challenge the Separation of Powers clause of the Constitution it will be interesting to see how many officials get removed or have to resign from public office for abuse of power. The Watergate Hearings rebuked the doctrine that government officials are above the law and blessed 40 government employees with 200 years in prison for violation of

Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Press On Image To Enlarge

USA Freedom Act 2015
USA Liberty Act 2017

United Nations Security Council

UN Secretariat Building
New York, New York 10017
Acts of War Directed Against the United Nations & United Kingdom
By 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals
History of Electronic Warfare attacks apparently by the United States against domestic and foreign interest led to creation of USA Freedom Act of 2015

US Senator Larry Craig

225 North 9th Street, Suite 530
Boise, Idaho 83702

US Senator Larry Craig Said No
You Will Be Punished!
When US Senator Larry Craig isn't busy molesting policement in the bathroom of the Minnesota Airport he seems to spend a lot of time engaged in computer hacking and terrorist activities in his home state of Idaho and Unniversity of Texas At Austin, TX

Hon Thomas O Rice

920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201

Michael E. Horowitz

Washington, D.C. 20530

Michael C. Ormsby, USA

P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210
Chris Walters

vs 2:13-cv-00001-TOR

Hon. Michael Horowitz
US Department of Justice
Inspector General
Question of Constituionality of US Patriot Act
& FBI Charter For Abuse of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Assets
Exhibit Page Question of Constitutionality of US Patriot Act based on serial stalking; computer hacking...creation of fictious convictions...

US Senator Sam Erwin

Democrat From North Carolina
WaterGate Hearing
Photo From Allen Green Blog
Washington, D.C. 20510
US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldeman
Erlichman; Dean Blessed With 200 Years in Federal Prison
Violation of Counsels papers was used to prosecute US Attorney General John Mitchell, Haldemann, Erlichman, and Dean and 40 some off other federal employees who were blessed with collective 200 years in federal prison by USDC Judge Maxmimum John Sirrica under Deprivation of rights under color of law The breakin at the Watergate Hotel was the beginning of the end for renagade law enforcement activities whose neutering was supervised by US Senator Frank Church Chairman of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, (D)Idaho

Congessional Audits and Surveys The Study of Operational Impediments
& The Study Of Entrophy In Fluid Systems 1986-2020

US Senator Mark O Hatfield

Chairman Senate Appropriations

Former US Congressman Henry B Gonzalez

Chairman Banking & Urban Affairs Committee
San Antonio,Texas 78205

US Congressman Tony Coelho

House Majority Whip
Modesto, CA 95354
Evidence and Testimony
Submitted to Congress
It seems that many Chairman of Congress believe in the concept of work ethic and if they find you on Capitol Hill or too close to something they are working on will actually have someone volunteered or simply drafted. I-5 Cooridor Agreement origionally on covered portions of California, Oregon, and Washington but was rapidly expanded by the national leadership to include a third of the United States. Congressman Henry B Gonzalez caught me on Capitol Hill about 1988 circulating one of my publications and had me introduced to the HUD Inspector General.. This assignment lasted until about 1993 when the Clinton Administration came into power and replaced me with 2 convicted persons who according to press reports were paid $80,000 a year plus expenses..
1. 1-5 Corridor Agreement study authorizations for surveys in 15 states 1986

2. Directory Model Social Service Agencies

3. Organized Crime Ties to US Dept HUD Confirmed Kills

4. Federal Law CSBG US Senator Mark O Hatfield

5. Welfare Reform Act 1986

6. Food Stamps For Homless Act US Congressman Tony Coelho
7. Audits USDA Programs confirmed kills

8. Audits US Postal Programs confirmed kills

9. Terrorist in Social Services confirmed kills

8. Spyware Act of 2005 2nd Federal Law 2015

9. Emergency Management Authorizations1993-2013

10. Emergency Management Structure 15 States1993-2013

11. Operational Audit Social SecurityExecutive ORDER 1997-2015

US Government Depository

This Link To Citations
By Library Of Congress
& Statutes Passed Into Law

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548

Government Accountability Office

441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
Service Of Process On Congress
Exhibit Page NACertificate of Service On Congress extensive recommendations for Congressional Supercedes

Operational Audits 1997-2016

Press On Image to Enlarge
Finishing Reports
Audits Review Failure in Programs
& Presence of Entrophy
Entrophy the 2nd Thermodymanic Law of the Universe concerns the decay of all organized systems over a period of time. The more complex the system the more entrophy generally present. Government and business often use auditing programs to identify entrophy to increase performance in operations:

Former VP Brady Exber

Vegas Club Hotel & Casino
Chairman Homeless Coalition
Las Vegas, NV 89101
"Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark" Circa 1993
Who could forget the immortal words of my alleged organized crime who explained that "Mushrooms Grow Best In The Dark"